As an entrepreneur, there are few things more fulfilling than getting to celebrate a client’s success. 

Today, I’m excited to spotlight one of our star clients – Sherry Lukey! 🎉 🎉 🎉

Photo Credit: Keylight Photography

Sherry is a Trauma Specialist and Certified EFT Tapping Expert who guides clients difficult past experiences so they can achieve next-level personal and professional success in the future. 


Sherry came to us seeking one-on-one PR support with our Senior Media Coach Lynya Floyd. She walked away with a feature in Forbes, a bigger (and more engaged) email list, and gained the confidence to increase her prices – adding thousands of dollars in revenue to her business. 


Here’s what Sherry had to say about her experience with our team: 


What prompted you to hire PR support?

I realized that if you build it, they don’t necessarily come. My website was live and I had just completed a beta run of my tapping course offer, but I needed help selling it. Gaining visibility and building credibility were important for that. When I heard a podcast that Selena was on, it moved me to take action by getting publicity around my work. 


What other courses or programs had you bought before this?

I had a drawer full of marketing programs that I had tried. They all sounded like what I needed but they weren’t because my business wasn’t at a certain place. They all had value, but what stood out about getting personalized PR support from Selena’s team is that it was customized. It helped me connect the dots for my business. It met me where I was at. 


How did it feel to commit to getting PR support?

Exciting. Reaffirming. Motivating. Something shifts energetically when you make an investment in yourself. You value what you pay for. It’s like you’re saying to the universe, “I’m worth it and this matters.” I was positive I was going to get value out of the work we did.


What was the one-on-one support like?

There are a bazillion online programs where you’re in a group. I’ve signed up for all of them and they didn’t help me hone my message, provide personalized support or give me the validation I needed. This program did. In fact, it over delivered. Lynya maximizes every minute of time she’s working with you and does a lot behind the scenes. Every time I got off a call with her, I felt genuinely inspired and supported. I needed that support to help me get my message out. 


What’s a big win that you got out of the program?

I was featured in Forbes! That was a massive win. Being featured as an expert in a top publication like that upleveled my visibility and increased my self-worth. When clients tell me they saw me there, I feel a tremendous amount of pride knowing I’m not a best-kept secret anymore.


I’ve also been able to build a really engaged email list. That wasn’t even on my radar, but now that I’m more comfortable writing and have gotten more visibility, it’s happening.


Another thing I wasn’t expecting to get but definitely needed was clarity. When I signed up, I was looking to increase sales for my online course. But selling something when you’re not clear is a waste of time. I was putting the cart before the horse. What I really needed was to get clear on my niche, communicate that effectively and gain visibility around it. Lynya helped pull that clarity out of me and it’s been a game changer. I remember her asking me one question in particular about my business that shifted everything. After that, I upped my prices, started working with international clients and made thousands.


All of this support helped me step up in a powerful way. Now I know who I’m on the planet to help and I’m owning that. This course was worth it over and over again. I couldn’t have made as much progress as I did without it.


If you’re craving one-on-one PR and visibility support, book a call with Jamie who oversees our PR services. She’ll learn about your needs and suggest the best ways for us to work together. 


We look forward to helping you make your publicity dreams come true! 🌟



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