If you want to help people, they need to know you exist.

Hi, I’m Selena.
I’m a publicity and marketing strategist who helps experts, authors, and coaches go from “hidden gem” to admired industry leader… and even household name.
People come to me with dreams like…
- Getting interviewed on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday
- Writing a New York Times bestseller
- Giving a powerful TED Talk… that gets over a million views
- Launching an online course that generates 7 figures
- Joining the ranks of Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, and Tony Robbins as a revered thought leader
Is this something you’ve imagined, too?
I’m here to tell you it’s possible. I’ve seen these very dreams come true for my clients.
You know, deep down, that you’re meant for bigger things, too.
Perhaps you overcame challenges with your career, health, or relationships – and now you’re dedicated to helping other people face those same challenges.
Or maybe you’re the kind of person who comes alive when speaking on stage or leading groups – and you’re ready to take it even further.
It’s not just about the money. Getting your message out into the world is something you’re compelled to do. This mission may even feel like a spiritual responsibility.
That was my story, too…

I’ve always been shy.
But I haven’t let that stop me from building a 7-figure business and connecting with some of today’s biggest thought leaders.
But why wasn’t I happy? I couldn’t figure it out.
So I started going to a women’s life coaching group. During that time, I got exposed to thought leaders like Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra, whose empowering messages helped other people live better lives.
As time went on, I learned about people like Marie Forleo, Ramit Sethi, Danielle LaPorte, and more – newer icons who were helping people find a dream job, start a business, find their purpose, improve their health, or let go of toxic relationships.
It was like discovering a new world.
I would read every blog post and watch every video from these experts, dreaming of one day starting my own lifestyle business.
These people had no idea who I was, but I felt like they were my friends.
Because I followed their work so closely, I began to see ways and opportunities to support them.
So I started to reach out, saying things like, “I know someone you should connect with.” Or, “This would be a great opportunity for you — can I put you in touch?”
Even though I’d always been a shy introvert, this wasn’t about me. It was about making connections that could help people I truly admired.
Before I knew it, I became a valued, trusted person in their networks.
And today, I’m able to count the most amazing people as my friends, mentors, and clients.



Finding My Gift
In the process of forming these relationships, I realized that I had a gift.
I’d found My Thing.
When I was ready to launch my own business, I did so with encouragement and endorsements from my own network of powerful friends and mentors.
Over the past few years, I’ve built a 7-figure business that helps experts, coaches, and authors become respected leaders in their industries.

Some of my star clients and students include…
- Farnoosh Torabi — personal finance expert, TV personality, bestselling author, and top-ranked podcaster who scored a monthly column with O, The Oprah Magazine.
- Kimra Luna — social media and online business rockstar who has landed features with Business Insider, Yahoo, Forbes, and been interviewed on over 60 business podcasts.
- Christine Egan — health coach and breast cancer survivor, who has appeared in Redbook, Family Circle, Cosmopolitan, Yahoo, and formed partnerships with New Balance and Saucony.
- Joana Galvao — graphic designer who has landed clients like Derek Halpern, Chris Ducker, and Lewis Howes.
- Amy Shah — medical doctor who was named one of mindbodygreen’s Top 100 Women to Watch in Wellness, and has formed partnerships with makeup icon Bobbi Brown, Harmless Harvest, and Juicero.
They bring the work and talent.
I help them envision new possibilities and realize their dreams.
And I can help you do the same.
I show entrepreneurs like you how to connect with influencers, land amazing clients, and gain the name recognition you’ve dreamed of.
I’m proud to have worked with over 4,000 incredible students and clients in my high-touch programs.

Are you the hidden gem of your industry?

Selena’s Bio
Selena Soo is a publicity and marketing strategist for visionary entrepreneurs, experts, and authors who want to reach millions with their message.
She’s helped clients and students get featured in places like O, The Oprah Magazine, Forbes, and Inc., and land interviews on popular podcasts and national TV. Many of Selena’s clients have become industry leaders with 7-figure businesses, raving fan bases, and hundreds of thousands of followers.
Her signature approach comes down to building powerful and long-lasting relationships with influencers and the media in a thoughtful, authentic way.
Selena has been featured in magazines and websites like Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Success, and The Huffington Post. She has been a guest on podcasts like Entrepreneur On Fire, Smart Passive Income, and Mixergy. She lives in Puerto Rico.