- Boost your credibility, so your ideal clients see you as the real deal
- Establish yourself as an industry leader, who can charge higher prices
- Reach hundreds, thousands, or millions more people through your guest teaching, articles, or interviews
- Create more fans who fall in love with your story and message – and can’t wait to work with you
You’ve got the skills and tools to create a deep transformation in people’s lives. Now you need the right kind of publicity to reach the person you’re most called to help!
In our Publicity VIP Coaching Program, you’ll work privately with a senior media coach on your exciting visibility goals.
You’ll receive personalized story ideas, pitches, and more to support you in getting those dream opportunities to reach your ideal clients.

Having run a successful business for 10+ years, here’s what I know. Masterminds have been responsible for getting my business to 6-figures, multi 6-figures, and ultimately multi 7-figures in annual revenue. Because they are so deeply transformational, I’m committed to offering this powerful experience to more entrepreneurs in my community.
My masterminds are typically 1 – 2 day events that range from $2,500 – $5,000. I keep these events intimate with usually 8 – 12 entrepreneurs per event. This allows me plenty of time to get to know you, as well as offer you personalized feedback on your goals and challenges.
If selected, you’ll fill out a detailed questionnaire before the mastermind, so I can study your business in advance and come to the event with specific ideas and recommendations for you.
My masterminds take place in cities such as New York, Austin, and San Juan.